Friday 1 March 2013: PULL, CLIMB, TWIST
Perform ten rounds of the following cycle in twenty minutes.
- 30 seconds - Body Rows or Pull-ups
- 30 seconds - Mountain Climbers
- 30 seconds - Russian Twists
(Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Extend your arms and clasp your hands in front of you. Crunch up so that your shoulder blades are off the ground. Now twist your midsection to the left and to the right so that your arms are parallel to the floor. Once to each side equals one rep. This exercise can also be performed holding a medicine ball or weight in your hands or with a broomstick behind your shoulders.) - 30 seconds - Rest
- 30 seconds - Body Rows
- 30 seconds - Squat Thrusts
- 30 seconds - Russian Twists or Regular Crunches
- 30 seconds - Rest
- 30 seconds - Body Rows
- 30 seconds - Half-Squats
- 30 seconds - Crunches
- 30 seconds - Rest