Friday 1 June 2007: 30/90 CALS + CONDITIONING


Perform five of the following circuits in twenty minutes.
  • 30 seconds - A set of Push-ups
  • 90 seconds - Cardio
  • 30 seconds - A set of Pull-ups
  • 90 seconds - Cardio

The sets of push-ups and pull-ups do not have to last the entire thirty seconds allotted for them. Simply perform a set based on your current ability, allowing adequate time to transition back to the cardio movement of your choice.

Cardio Suggestions:

  • Jump Rope or Jumping Jacks or Squats
  • Burpees or Squat Thrusts
  • Running or Powerwalking
  • Dumbbell/Kettlebell/Sand-jug Swings
  • Heavy Bag Punching or Shadowboxing

Substitutions for Intermediate and Basic:

  • Push-ups - Knee Push-ups
  • Pull-ups - Partial, Assisted, or Jumping Pull-ups or BodyRows


taylor said...

Little variation, for ab's sake:

30 Push
90 Shadowbox
30 Pull
90 Jump rope
30 Situps
90 Shadowbox...

x 3, then

30 Push
30 Pull
60 situps, no rest between

Wound up with:

42 pushups
19 pullups
75 situps

And some major cardio.

J.P. said...

-30sec Push-ups
-90sec Rope
-30sec Bent Rows w/2 16kg kettleballs
-90sec Rope
x5 no rest
46 push-ups total and 40 bent rows total. No need to pace myself next time.