Today's workout uses 30/30 intervals (30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest, repeat for time allotted).




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Alexander said...

do you do this workout as 5 sets of jumping jacks followed by 5 sets of squat thrusts etc. or as 5 circuits of all of the exercises? which would be more challenging? what would be the difference?

JME said...


Perform all five sets of each exercise before moving to the next.


Alexander said...

thanks. thanks also for putting a link to my blog and for answering my previous query. i am getting quite hooked on these workouts now, feeling good about doing them

Bryce Lane said...

I really like what you are doing here Joel. There has to be a way of getting this more "out there".

Have you gone around to the general fitness sites and mentioned this blog?

I can't imagine anyone would mind since it is free and there is no way on earth it is not effective giving how you have outlined what you are after.

Bryce Lane

Anonymous said...

Did the Basic, though kept to half squats as the squat thrusts were a little too challenging as I´m still coughing a bit. The mountain climbers nearly killed me but I´m glad I did them....perhaps I won´t be so happy later today when my legs start hurting!!!!

Jumping jacks 40 40 40 40 40
Half squats 20 20 20 20 20
Mountain climbers 20 20 20 15 15
Half squats 20 20 20 20 20

Joel, I just read your story on Ostomy Athlete - great respect to you mate, very inspiring!!! If you don´t mind, I´ll print it out and show it my son - he´s a Diabetic and often needs some extra inspiration.