Thursday 15 May 2008: CRAWL...SPRINT #2


Same workout for everybody today, but adjust the intensity according to your ability.

Complete as many rounds as possible in twenty minutes.

  • 30 seconds Bear Crawl
  • 15 seconds Sprint
  • 30 seconds Crab Crawl
  • 15 seconds Sprint

Advanced trainees should rest as necessary between rounds.

Intermediate and Basic trainees should rest as necessary during each round.

30/30 = 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest, repeat for specified repetitions
15/45 = 15 seconds work, 45 seconds rest, repeat for specified repetitions

Post results to Comments.


John10e said...

Thanks Joel and thanks for your commitment here

(the crab walk just wasn’t happening – I’ll try to get at least 15 sec next time, keeping slow)

30 sec bear crawl 15 sec sprint (every three min)
HR was way up and breathing very heavy

Felt like a lot more than 7 sets

JME said...

Good job, John. I'm glad to see you are paying attention to your body and modifying the WOD accordingly.
