Friday 18 July 2008: PULL LADDERS + PU


For today's workout, you will be performing pull-up ladders supersetted with sets of push-ups.

To do ladders: perform 1 pull-up, then a set of 2 pull-ups, then a set of 3 pull-ups, and so on until you miss a set (i.e. you should have done 6 pull-ups but only managed to do 5). After you miss a set, start building again at 1.

Insert a set of push-ups between each set of pull-ups. The push-ups don't have to be done in ladder format. Simply crank out a reasonable number that will provide a nice counterbalance to the pulling exercise without burning yourself out. Continue performing sets of each exercise for twenty minutes.


Ladders of Pull-ups/Chin-ups
Sets of Regular Push-ups

Intermediate and Basic:

Ladders of Partial or Assisted Pull-ups or Body Rows
Sets of Regular, Knee, or Countertop Push-ups

Post results to Comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Push-up set (10 reps)after each Pull up set
Ladder 1 = 6+4 =25 Pull-ups
Ladder 2 = 4+4 =14 Chin-ups
Ladder 3 = 4 = 10 Pull-ups
Total 49 dead hang pull-up/chin-ups
Total Push-up 160
Arms started to shake abit during push-ups in the last few sets and I just couldn't squeeze out anymore Pull-ups after 4 in that last ladder
Thanks Joel for kicking my ass
Nate in Canada