Wednesday 16 July 2008: PULL-PU O2M


Alternate sets of pull-ups and push-ups, performing one set at the beginning of every second minute. These sets should be close to muscle failure, stopping one or two reps short.

You will perform five sets of each exercise. Do a set of pull-ups on the 20th, 16th, 12th, 8th, and 4th minutes. Perform a set of push-ups on the 18th, 14th, 10th, 6th, and 2nd minutes.


Advanced Trainees:

Pull-ups, Chin-ups, Rope Pull-ups, etc.
Push-ups, Feet Elevated Push-ups, Dips, etc.

Intermediate and Basic Trainees:

Partial, Assisted, or Jumping Pull-ups or BodyRows
Push-ups, Knee Push-ups, Countertop Push-ups

Post results to Comments.


Anonymous said...

1. Regular Pull-ups - 7 1. regular Push-ups 20
2.Chin-ups - 7 2. Feet Elevated PU 20
3. Parallel Close Grip - 7 3. Tricep PU - 20
4. L-Sit PU - 5 4. Elevated Pike Press - 20
5 Kipping PU - 15 5. Offset PU 10 per side -20

Did most for pure strength and didn't go to failure
Nate in Canada

JME said...

Nice work.

John10e said...

Min 0 - 30 elevated
Min 4 - 20 diamond
Min 8 - 20 wide
Min 12 - 20 reg.
Min 16 - 20 elevated

Pull-ups (285 lbs)
Min 2 - 2 reg. @ body weight/standing 10 row
Min 6 - 2 reg. @ body weight/standing 10 row
Min 10 - 2 reg. @ body weight/standing 10 row
Min 14 - 2 reg. @ body weight/standing 10 row
Min 18 - 2 reg. @ body weight/standing 10 row

Kids joined in and had a good workout.