Tuesday 12 September 2006: ANIMAL CONDITIONING


Today's workout uses a variety of simulated animal movements to improve physical conditioning. This type of workout is especially fun for children, but I think even our more advanced trainees will find it sufficiently challenging.


  • 5 minutes - 30/30 Tiger Prowl
    (Crawl on your hands and feet keeping your body as low to the ground as possible without touching.)
  • 5 minutes - 30/30 Crab Crawl
    (Sitting on the ground, bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground. Rest your hands on the ground slightly behind your hips. Lift your pelvis taking the weight of your body on your hands and feet, stomach pointing towards the sky. Crawl on your hands and feet.)
  • 5 minutes - 30/30 Kangaroo Hop
    (Perform a half-squat and jump forward landing on your feet.)
  • 5 minutes - 15/45 Sprint


  • 5 minutes - 30/30 Bear Crawl
    (Bend forward and crawl on your hands and feet.)
  • 5 minutes - 30/30 Crab Crawl
    (Sitting on the ground, bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground. Rest your hands on the ground slightly behind your hips. Lift your pelvis taking the weight of your body on your hands and feet, stomach pointing towards the sky. Crawl on your hands and feet.)
  • 5 minutes - 30/30 Walking Lunges
    (Step forward and bend your knees. Your front knee should bend to a 90 degree angle; your back knee should bend to 90 degrees and stop just above the ground. Now step forward with the back leg and continue.)
  • 5 minutes - 15/45 Sprint


  • 5 minutes - 30/30 Bear Crawl (Go to your knees if necessary, but do so on a soft surface.)
    (Bend forward and crawl on your hands and feet.)
  • 5 minutes - 30/30 Crab Crawl (Rest on your bottom if necessary.)
    (Sitting on the ground, bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground. Rest your hands on the ground slightly behind your hips. Lift your pelvis taking the weight of your body on your hands and feet, stomach pointing towards the sky. Crawl on your hands and feet.)
  • 5 minutes - 30/30 Half-Squats
  • 5 minutes - 15/45 Sprint or Powerwalk

(30/30 = 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest, repeat for allotted time)
(15/45 = 15 seconds work, 45 seconds rest, repeat for allotted time)

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William Hutson said...

New to this blog.

Great job.

confused on this workout.

What does 30/30 bear crawl mean? 30 crawl / 30 rest? for 5 minutes?

Again, this blog is reallyg good.

JME said...

30/30 = 30seconds work, 30seconds rest, repeat for time allotted

JME said...

Completed advanced as Rx'ed.